Monday, April 23, 2007

Prompts on Delpit article and N.Y.Times article

I haven't actually seen any prompts concerning the Delpit article; however, I have plenty to say about the article itself. I really think that she hit the nail on the head when she was writing about how whites don't want to admit (or even don't realize) that they are part of a culture of power. It's unconfortable to even think about. I do think though that the ideas that Delpit expressed about being explicit vs being sort of passive in your communication, and how that applies to being part of a "culture of power," could also apply to the differences in how men and women communicate. I'm older than most of the students but when I was growing up, girls were still being told to be "lady-like," which meant not being pushy or assertive. It meant waiting to be asked and making gentle suggestions instead of just coming out and asking for or demanding what you wanted. It wasn't stated that men had the power in society but it was certainly what was communicated. I think sometimes when men say that they can't understand women and what women want, that it goes back to that idea of men being part of a power "culture." I wonder if this is still a little bit true today? Now about the N.Y.Times article: I was really surprised to learn that so much curriculum was being taught in English in foreign countries. I thought the idea of studying abroad was to strengthen your speaking abilities in your chosen foreign language. It doesn't seem fair to the local students and I do think the professors are right when they say that you don't learn as much information if the subject isn't being taught in your own language.


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