Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Importance of Teaching the Language of Power

Delpit really dives into the idea of the language of power. Before reading her article, I wouldn't have understood the need to teach it explicitly, but now I see it more clearly. Students who come from minority families have different language backgrounds and cultures. Although the way they speak and write is valuable, they also need to know how to succeed in the white world where they must have a solid grasp of the language of power. For their verbal and written communication to be a success, they need to be instructed on how to fit in. Simply teaching acceptance will not change how the corporate world operates. I appreciate the way Delpit does not suggest that educators try to rid them of their own cultural backgrounds. It is important that though we teach the “white way” we must also value who they are and where they come from. The Native Alaskan teacher in the article did a great job of this.


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