Wednesday, January 26, 2005

When Acceptance Isn't Enough

When we say we all just need to be accepting, I wonder what we really mean by that? Do you mean we should be accepting of other people's differences and not judge them? Well, the problem is that that is not a realistic solution. Because an employer might be accepting that a minorty applying for a job is different than he is, and not judge him based on his different culture. But if the minority is unable to communicate clearly, or demonstrate the skills needed for the job because they were never taught what those were, I don't think the employer should be blamed for hiring a more qualified candidate. Yes, we should all be accepting in that we don't prematurely judge or exclude minorities. But the real world demand people have certain skills, and just being accepting won't help a minority find a job.

Laura Copeland


At 12:19 AM, Blogger emotionalrangeofateaspoon said...

I agree Laura.It always seems unfair. Employers are told to hire the most qualified candidate for the position but they also want to have a diverse community, so they look for workers of different races etc but no one is ever equal. One side will always be favored until discrimination ends and all children receive the same empowering education. You're right, until then, just being accepting won't help anyone find a job. Where do the teachers begin?


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