Friday, April 28, 2006

Anthro Dept Interview

Dr. C. is a part of the Anthropology Department here at OSU. She teaches the writing intensive course for this major, along with several other classes. In our interview I asked her the significance of grammatical writing in the field of anthropology. She replied by emphasizing its importance, explaining how writing is a central form of communication between anthropologists. “If it isn’t published, it doesn’t exist in many cases,” she explains. Due to this central role of writing, conciseness is mandatory. Not only does the paper have to be factual and have a great deal of evidence to back the data, it also has to be clear and understandable. She even discusses the recent movement of anthropologists looking to fictional writers to make their material more engaging as well as informational.


At 1:38 PM, Blogger Christine said...

I love the idea of looking to fictional literature for inspiration - it makes me feel better about being an English major.


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