Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CMC Promotes "Linguistic Whateverism"

One of the issues that VanKooten raises in her video is the idea that Computer Mediated Communication promotes “linguistic whateverism.” I agree that people can be careless about their writing sometimes, but I also think that most people can discern when more formal language should be used. I don’t think there is any harm in using improper language while chatting with friends on the internet or sending text messages. It is the same idea as speaking casually to friends while face-to-face. It becomes a problem when people cannot separate the two kinds of language, and start to use informal writing in situations where they should be using formal writing. Perhaps the group that will have the most trouble with this concept is the youth, if they have not yet been taught the vital difference between the two. I think it is the schools that should be teaching this to the young ones to help them become successful in their writing.


At 8:29 PM, Blogger TiAnna Ashley said...

I agree that there are different levels of formality for writing. Do you think web documents already are allowed some casualness simply because of where they are published? (As opposed to a book)

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Reed said...

I also think it will be interesting to see how adapted younger generations are to more formal writing. We grew up in an interesting time where CMC hadn't developed much until we were in High School, and we had a chance to develop many of our writing skills without the influence of CMC.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Cassie said...

I think that the formality of writing for web documents should depend on the source that it is coming from, just like written documents. For example, a magazine is allowed to be less formal than a book.


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