Friday, May 09, 2008


4. I am not planning on becoming a teacher, yet I believe that Delpit’s article speaks to everyone. Issues of language definitely impact copy editors. When searching for mistakes in writing, it is easy to see different styles as mistakes. Then, when seeing said styles, it is easy to judge, assuming the writer is not well educated. I believe it is important to know the difference between recognizing different styles and working with those styles. Something that really stuck with me from the reading was that it is important to “identify and give voice to alternative world views.” As a copy editor that will be important in every aspect of my job. I would not want to be a copy editor who looked at a style unlike my own and judged the writer. I want to be one who can acknowledge differences, and help develop a story. I believe Delpit’s emphasis on teaching, and though I will not be doing that, I will still be working with a wide variety of individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds. Respecting these differences is important when editing their work.


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