Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Anyone Can Be an Author

A point that is brought up towards the beginning of the video is that with blogs and websites, anyone can be an author. You don't need to be published to have your words and thoughts read by millions. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages are that people who are not very educated on a subject can still act like they do. Wikipedia is a good example. People without credentials are trusted as presenting facts. Grammatically this can include mistakes that are obvious and embarrassing or more subtle. There are advantages too to web publishing. The hoops of a publisher are avoided completely. You don't have to have an editor mess with what you are trying to say. Also, the expenses are avoided for the reader. We can read blogs about cooking instead of going and buying the cookbook. I think this is an interesting change in published text. I look forward to seeing where it takes us.


At 9:00 PM, Blogger AmberRose said...

I love this idea! It demonstrates the great possibilities of computer mediated communication but also makes one skeptical of the information read online.


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