Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nominalization Response

I have definitely recognized the usage of nominalization within my major course books. There are times though where I think my professor(s) makes up his/her own words. I think it's hilarious. That's beside the point, however I have noticed my books and professors use nominalizations. Most of the time, they use them in order to dramatise a point. Oh gosh examples.... honestly I can't think of any right now. But I know they are in the books.

This class is affecting my writing because it has forced me to make a conscious effort about using correct sentence structure and the such. I will write a sentence and in the midst of it, stop, and think to myself about whether or not it is correct. Also, I have noticed that I am using what I have learned at my job. I am starting to feel comfortable enough to explain grammar to my student. Lastly, I am able to practice what I have learned in my own writings (i.e. using adjectives, deciding which pattern I am expressing, whether or not I am using the infinitive or a prepositional phrase, etc.). Also, I noticed that I am using my spell checker a lot less.


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