Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Communication in Technology

One of the main characteristic that separates electronic text from other forms of language is its ability to be accessed and understood very quickly. This is the main factor that makes a lot of the language in computer mediated communication degraded; it is shortened and simplified for immediacy. This form of communication has its costs and benefits. It is very useful to communicate quickly and informally. On the other hand, because the language is degraded and simplified, complicated ideas can't be communicated as well. This is where CMC has its downfall and is why people need to continue to learn the more formal forms of language.


At 8:47 PM, Blogger AmberRose said...

I must say that faster is not always necessary or better. I actually feel that in general American society needs to slow down and appreciate time. Language doesn't need to be hurried just because everything else in society is :)


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