Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Degredation of Language

I believe computer mediated communication is definitely a negative influence on the English language. I say this, and most would vehemently disagree by arguing that CMC language differs from standard English and, thus, should be praised as a different language altogether. I am also a proponent for this particular stance but only under certain circumstances. CMC language needs only to exist in a computerized/technological context. My problem with CMC resides in its application and acceptance outside of this context. Society focuses heavily on technology and computerized communication but fails to address that it is only within these contexts where CMC usage is appropriate. Look at high school classrooms for example. Students in English classrooms are texting abbreviations like "lol" and "ttyl" as well as misspelled words like "wat" and "nite" while they are sitting through lessons on English grammar. CMC cannot be eliminated from the students' minds; therefore, it seems almost mandatory that these issues be addressed in the classroom in order to define the appropriate and inappropriate contexts for CMC language usage.

The most striking feature of VanKooten's video for me was the visual of the two individuals conversing face-to-face. This image made me consider that not only that the language used in conversing changed but that the medium in which it occurs has also shifted. I feel that the rise of computer mediated communication is bittersweet. The benefits seem endless - quickness, efficiency, availability. The drawbacks resonate as more important and influential on society. I feel lack of physical, in-person interpersonal contact is necessary to develop social skills, and I believe it is a more meaningful way to communicate as well. This blog is a great tool to use, but I would much prefer to be discussing these ideas in the classroom with others.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Cassie said...

You make a good point that there are good and bad sides to using technology as a means for communication. However, I think that using technology for communication is a problem only when it completely replaces face-to-face communication.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Abraham Thunderwolf said...

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At 1:58 PM, Blogger Abraham Thunderwolf said...

The internet is a limitlessly large tent.

Surely anybody who chooses to mimic any number of noises can co-exist peacefully with others who want to make different sorts of noises.

I think the internet is a bit of a strawman when it comes to english grammar.
People should be the target. Not the air they use to speak, or the network of computers they type on.


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