Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Plethora of Punctuation

After reading the chapter, "Purposeful Punctuation," my eyes have been opened to the plethora of punctuation options. I have high hopes for my future writing: I hope to incorporate more of a variety of punctuation techniques in order to strengthen my style. By examining my work, I recognized that I rarely utilize sentence structures other than compound sentences. This seems pretty bland when I consider the vast options that Kolln presents. I hope to eliminate some of my wordiness by incorporating punctuation techniques--dashes, modifiers, and connections--that contribute to meaning while still being concise. I appreciate this discussion of punctuation and feel that it will be greatly beneficial to my writing and my teaching of writing in the future. I foresee myself being much more cognizant of the punctuation style of writers that I admire in order to attempt and internalize the effectiveness of punctuation. After viewing the examples and considering their alternatives, I want to be more purposeful in my punctuation usage because I feel it will make me a more sophisticated writer and teacher.


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