Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The first thing that came to my mind after reading the chapter on punctuation, is that there is so much punctuation, and there are so many options as to how you are going to use punctuation to more effectively convey your ideas. Before taking this class, I was not as keenly aware of this point; punctuation was more of something that I just used. I depended more heavily on the words to illustrate my point, when all along I could have been using punctuation to make my points even clearer. At this point, I still don't feel like I have much practice at using punctuation more effectively, but I am at least aware of its power.

While reading through all of the punctuation in the chapter, I began to imagine how a lack of punctuation could lead to some funny situations. Here's an example: if "the boss's daughter" lost the comma, it would read, "the bosss daughter." The word "bosss" would act as an adjective of "daughter" indicating how awesome she is, instead of acting as a possessive noun.

This chapter on punctuation will be an effective tool for future use while writing. If I ever have questions about punctuation, I can always look back to this chapter for writing help.


At 7:39 PM, Blogger AmberRose said...

I really liked your humor; it put a giant smile on my face, and I giggled. And your use of different types of punctuation really drove home your point :)


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