Thursday, May 27, 2010

Punctuation Piracy

I have always been a fan of punctuation. Which is why I use it I suppose...

I think I over use the comma though, so I often endeaver not to do so. It is hard however to not over use the comma, since so much of any writting does not lend itself to brevity; ideas after all take time and often many, many, many words to acheive something along the lines of cohesion --at least for me.

I also enjoy using dashes, although I immediatly started to question the other day why the M-dash was not instead called the W-dash, and the n-dash considered the u-dash. I think I will start calling them as such --as I am a rebel.

A punctuation pirate then. I pluck the fruits of language like some stangly deranged vernacular monkey. Peppering my use of the english language with them, tossing them into writing and speach alike --along with coarser things besides.


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